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About the Training
Hope After Loss has had the fortunate opportunity to work with many funeral homes throughout Connecticut through our Burial and Cremation Program. We have heard from those in the Pregnancy & Infant Loss Community as well as Funeral Home professionals that there is a need for perinatal bereavement training to increase awareness of this particular grief as well as to share information to support more compassionate care. It is our hope that this training provides an opportunity to create a network of informed and dedicated funeral homes to best support the pregnancy and infant loss community throughout Connecticut.
Why Attend?
This one.-hour online training encompasses many facets of perinatal grief and loss, how different clients may grieve differently, and how COVID-19 has impacted care for many in the Pregnancy & Infant Loss Community. You will learn helpful sentiments to say to bereaved parents, have the opportunity to ask a loss parent questions as to what services and care they found most helpful during our parent panel, and learn about resources from Hope After Loss and how we can support both you and your clients.
Learn more about perinatal grief & Loss
Be able to better support your clients
Network with other professionals dedicated to compassionate care
Join a list of trained funeral homes to be advertised on the Hope After Loss website
Register Today!
Register today using the button below!
Questions? Please contact Alicia at

Funeral Home